Search Results
Your search yielded 83 images
Mudlavia, E8904
" Mudlavia" Kramer, Indiana 2009 Beautiful...
Illuminating Portland..7707
There are over 280 Nature Preserves in Indiana,...
Defiance, The Brown T..5101
The Hoosier Heartland Corridor highway, from...
Obear Millrace Reflec..9740
The Obear Millrace, a branch of the Wabash &...
The Layers of Portlan..5007
There are over 280 Nature Preserves in Indiana,...
Reclamation, E650990
"Reclamation" Wabash & Erie Canal Delphi,...
The Punch Bowl, E7218
"The Punch Bowl" Turkey Run State Park...
An Autumn on Rock Cre..0208
"An Autumn on Rock Creek" Carroll County,...
Playful Light at Port..7653
The low October sunlight was playing many games...
Old Erie Canal Stone ..7917
"Old Stone Arch Bridge" Rural Carroll County,...
Brown County Barn, A2411
"Brown County Barn" 2005 Remnants of...
Cataract Ice, E0916
" Cataract Ice" Cataract Falls, Owen County...
Flora Park Arch, F4915
Flora Community Park Flora, Indiana Carroll...
Amish Harvest, F7814
"Amish Harvest" Rural Carroll County, Indiana...
Paint Creek Bridge, C2417
"Paint Creek Bridge" Wabash and Erie Canal...
Turn Me On
An old switch and light socket found on the...
The Reed Case House, ..7815
The Reed Case House, found along the Wabash &...
Winter on the Towpath..0920
New fallen snow adds to a tranquil hike on the...
Adams Mill Apple Pres...tif
“Adams Mill Apple Press” Adams Mill Cutler,...
Abandoned - Adams Hal..9453
70-year-old Adam’s Hall sits abandoned on the...
The Beale Farm, E11001
Description/Caption: "Solitary Tree #1" The...
Deserted, H9303
The Tuberculosis Hospital at the Indiana State...
Old Generator, H9313
The old Indiana State Sanatorium, first opened...
A Late Afternoon Unde..idge
Wilson Bridge, in rural Carroll County, was...
The Freedom Bridge, ..4219
The Freedom Bridge. When the new highway came...
The Landmark, E10910
"Solitary Tree #2" The Landmark Tippecanoe...
Old Hair Solon, H9446
A dilapidated hair solon, one of the rooms of...
Old Hedge Schoolhouse..3420
“Old Hedge Schoolhouse” Carroll County,...
Autumn Colors of the ..8199
Fall Creek Gorge, in rural Warren County,...
Morning Mist on the C..2836
"Morning Mist on the Canal" Wabash and Erie...
Clearance, E622135
"Clearance" Delphi Opera House Delphi, IN...
McCormick's Creek Fal..8997
" McCormick's Creek Falls" McCormick's Creek...
Snow Fall in Bear Hol..1114
“Snow Fall in Bear Hollow” Turkey Run State...
Flora Park Historic C...tif
Historic Cabin Flora, Indiana A nineteenth...
A Woman's Friend, Ada..2509
Woman's Friend Adams Mill In the early...
Turbine Gears, Adams ...tif
Turbine Gears Adams Mill In 1845, John...
Dressing Reels, Adams...tif
Dressing Reels Adams Mill The dressing...
Delphi Public Library..0101
Receiving a $10,000 grant from the Carnegie...
Stage Right, E6486
"Stage Right" Delphi, IN 2009 The old...
Stairs to the Opera H..5010
"Stairs to the Opera House" 2013 Not long...
The Potholes, E801000
The Potholes at Fall Creek Gorge
Old Hedge Schoolhouse..6532
The ruins of the old Hedge Schoolhouse in rual...
Maidenhair Falls, H7413
Hiking up Pearl Ravine along Trail 2 at Shades...
Serenity - Wabash Bot..2007
Wabash Bottoms Nature Preserve is a 75-acre...
Turkey Run Mist, Ca3364
"Turkey Run Mist" Turkey Run State Park One...
Steps from Rocky Holl..7201
" Steps from Rocky Hollow" Turkey Run State...
Wabash & Erie Canal C..2834
The Wabash & Erie Canal Conference &...
Lacy's Splinter, E0705
" Lacy's Splinter" Rural Carroll County 2009...
Prairie Grass and Fog..3135
Tall prairie grasses, of native origin, gently...
Rollers, Adams Mill F...tif
Rollers Adams Mill The rollers can be...
Nature's Slide, H0731
Two small ravines through the Mansfield...
Turkey Run Morel, C0901
"Turkey Run Morel" In the early spring, many...
Wooden Gears and Pull...tif
Wooden Gears and Pulleys Adams Mill...
Corn Buhr, Adams Mill...tif
Corn Buhr Adams Mill Two granite or...
Old Hedge Schoolhouse..0636
A view of the old Hedge Schoolhouse from the side.
Old Schoolhouse Door,..7103
Voices of yesteryear seem to whisper beyond the...
The Pot Holes, E7313
Fall Creek Gorge Nature Preserve in rural...
The Narrows of Rocky ..0822
The dark, lush, and narrow part of Turkey Run’s...
Flo's Roadside Diner ...tif
Flo's Roadside Diner. An old diner, popular...
Adam Hats, F8118
“ Adam Hats” Delphi, IN 2013 Propped...
Thoughts from the Pas..7301
Crosby Hotel Window – Thoughts from the Past...
Fern Wall at Portland..6531
The canyon in Portland Arch Nature Preserve is...
The Monon Shops, G2402
Misty Morning on the ..3132
A morning fog over Fisher Oak Savanna Nature...
Fern and Snow_H7411_2...jpg
Fern & Snow Needing to get outside on cold...
Shroud of Ice, A3419
“Shroud of Ice” Delphi, Indiana 2003...
Bossard Falls G7303_1...tif
A small tributary of Deer Creek leads over...
Little Pine Creek Ref..2575
Little Pine Creek creates near perfect...
The Opera House, E7007
"The Opera House" Delphi, IN 2009...
Tracks in Time, E6804
"Tracks In Time" High Bridge over Deer Creek,...
Hibiscus, C3029.tif
Hibiscus Delphi, Indiana 2007 A member of...
Snow Tire, F10815
“Snow Tire” Carroll County, Indiana 2014...
Old Hedge Schoolhouse..6531
A walk up the knoll leads to the old Hedge...
Silver Cascade Falls ...jpg
A January hike along Trail 1 in Shades State...
The Wolcott House, H6033
The Historic Wolcott House The construction...
The Opera House - Ren..5237
" The Opera House - Renovated" Delphi, IN...
Strolling Along McCor..2551
Autumn morning at McCormick's Creek State Park.
Wedge Rock in the Win..1010
A favorite winter hike up Rocky Hollow at...
A Solitary Clime at T...tif
The "140 Steps" at Turkey Run State Park after...
Pond Lily_H6338_40x48.jpg
A pond lily opens to show its soft muted colors...
Pond Lily, H6217
A bright pond lily floats in a pond enticing an...
Fungus Study in Black..6242
A bracket fungus slowly consumes the wood of a...
Cades Mill Bridge H77...jpg
According to Indiana Landmarks, Fountain...