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The Wall, H6825
I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve hiked up Calf Creek Canyon.  The first time was ’03.  This three-mile hike terminates at the beautiful Lower Calf Creek Falls, an attraction by itself is worth the hike.  However, something about this wall always gets my attention and each time I’ve made this hike, I look forward to turning the corner and spotting it.  Maybe it’s the bold streaks of desert varnish on the face.  Or the prominent curvature of the front edge.  Perhaps it’s the small pictographs you can see at the base of the formation.  It’s probably all of these features and more.  <br />
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Technical info: Toyo 45A, 210mm, Ektar 100, Pol. filter, 1/30s@f22, wet-mount scan Epson V750, finished PS, master file 40”x50”@300dpi